Vasectomy in Warsaw, Poland
Robert Kulik, MD visited me in Florida in September 2013,
traveling all the way from Warsaw to perfect his vasectomy
technique. We had
a great time doing vasectomies and eating steaks. He stayed at
our home for a few days, but forgot his watch and bathing suit
when he returned to Poland, so my wife and I decided to return
them to him personally. Robert is a gynecologist / infertility specialist in Warsaw. He recognizes the benefits of vasectomy and now offers it to the people of Warsaw and surrounding communities. He once practiced in downtown Warsaw across the Vistula River, but tired of the traffic and decided to move to a quieter area. His informative and user-friendly website ( attracts patients from all over Poland. Robert not only scheduled a couple of vasectomies for my visit, but gave my wife and me the grand tour of Warsaw as only a life-long native can. |
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His new office is in a delightful neighborhood on the street to the right in the photo above. | It is on the first floor of a residential building on a busy street. |
The availablily of vasectomy is clearly indicated in
signage that includes an LED display of the many services that he
provides. On entry from the street, a comfortable waiting room
with soft music offers immediate relaxation. Up a short flight
of stairs ... |
... is a well-equiped examination/ultrasound/procedure room to
the left and his consultation room to the right. |
For semen analysis, he has a sophisticated microscopy lab ... | ... with monitors that show semen specimens in both the lab and his office. |
An ultrasonic cleaner is used for his instruments and MadaJets,
and he has an excellent pair of loupes with superbright
illumination. |
Before my arrival, Robert had pre-arranged an interview with ... | ... TVP, a state central TV station that broadcasts all over Poland. |
The interview aired about four days later on „Pytanie na Sniadanie“ a news and variety TV daily show, which is second among all state and private stations' morning shows in its number of viewers (390 000). My interview, introduced during a food segment, was followed by a live studio interview with Dr. Kulik, who speaks with such poise and confidence. A link to it may be on Dr. Kulik's site. Too bad I don't understand the Polish! What a fantastic way to spread the word about vasectomy in a country where it is not yet widely utilized. | |
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Most intriguing to me was the fact that Robert and his family live right upstairs from his office. No morning or afternoon commute. What a lifestyle! | Here are Robert and Iwona and their daughters Judy and Esther, flanked by his babysitter Kasia and my wife Maryann. |
At a top Warsaw restaurant,
Robert treated us all to a delightful Polish lunch ... |
... to which he also invited Dr. Janusz Zajda, and
accomplished general urologist ( who would like to learn to
perform vasectomy reversal. There is debate in Poland as to whether vasectomy should be considered reversible and thereby legal, or non-reversible and thereby illegal in Poland. However the authorities decide to define the word "reversible", there are few if any reversal providers in Poland, which itself can make vasectomy irreversible from a practical standpoint. In fact, one of Janusz's vasectomy patients (also a personal friend) has returned after 4 years for a reversal, but Janusz has never done one, and there are no experienced reversalists in Poland. So I have invited Janusz to come to Florida with his friend. He could assist on 2 or 3 reversals in my office, following which he could be primary surgeon for his friend. He is not ready to invest 50K in a fancy microscope or 1M in a DaVinci Robot, but with the loupe magnification and lighting that I use (a $3500 investment), he should be able to get fair rates of sperm recovery and pregnancy. |
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Visiting other vasectomists has been, for me, one of the most enlightening and enjoyable aspects of being a vasectomist. It is an opportunity to meet and learn from colleagues all over the world, and I feel so grateful to Robert Kulik for sharing his practice style, his city, his country, and his friendship. |