Vasectomy services at Planned Parenthood in Central Florida:

Vasectomy services are provided by Drs. Doug Stein and Alex Galante at the Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida clinic in Orlando. The fee is $690, less for those who have coverage under an insurance plan with whom we are contracted. There is usually NO FEE for those men without health insurance who qualify under Title 10.
Exact service dates are in Dr. Stein & Galante's Outfield Schedule page. Here is the address and phone number:

11500 University Boulevard Orlando 32817 (407) 246-1788 Click here for photos & maps.

All scheduling of vasectomies is done through Dr. Stein and Galante's main office at 813-536-1430. To learn about and schedule a vasectomy at Planned PArenthood in Orlando, please follow the steps at