The Palm Beach County Health
Department may offer
Title 10 coverage
for vasectomy services for men who qualify based
upon income and family size.
Family Planning services are offered at the following
2 health centers: |

Call the health center nearest
you and inquire about vasectomy services. If there
are no more Title 10 funds for the current fiscal
year (July 1 - June 30) in Palm Beach County, there
may still be funds available through the
County Health Department.
Drs. Stein
and Curington are currently not providers for the
Palm Beach CHD, but
are providers for the Broward CHD.
If you do not qualify for Title
10 assistance, you may want to have your vasectomy
performed by Dr. Stein or Curington for
a fee of $590.
He performs
on a regular basis at the
Lakeshore Office
Park Suite 100 (click for details) in
West Palm Beach. |