County Health Departments in Florida
Federal grant money, under Title X (Ten), is available through many of Florida's county health departments to help fund family planning services. Each county health department (CHD) is a service arm of the Florida Department of Health (DOH) in Tallahassee, the largest Title 10 grantee in Florida, which receives federal Title 10 funds from Washington, DC. Counties apply to the DOH for funding, and the DOH distributes its alottment to Florida's 67 county health departments.
How much Title 10 grant money is available for vasectomy in a certain county depends upon, among other factors, (1) how much Title 10 funding the county receives from the DOH, and (2) how much of that funding the CHD chooses to use for vasectomy as opposed to other forms of contraception, which, in turn, depends upon (3) utilization of the funds allocated for vasectomy during the previous fiscal year (did they use it all early or was there some left over?).
The extent of an individual's coverage depends upon his income and number of dependents, as well as upon the county in which he is seeking services. For example (and this information may change with time), Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando, Hillsborough and Charlotte Counties recognize all fee groups (A-G) below, can accommodate those who qualify for partial funding (Groups B-G), and will provide services for a fee (check with the individual county) to those who do not qualify for any coverage. Citrus County covers 100%, but only for men who fall into columns A or B or the Sliding Fee Scale below. Some counties have arrangements for providers to perform vasectomies in their county clinic facilities; other counties arrange for procedures to be done in private doctors' offices or Planned Parenthood clinics. Some counties will deny Title X coverage to a man with health insurance even if the insurance deductible is high (sometimes more than the vasectomy fee) and he qualifies for assistance based upon income and family size. Under Title X rules, county health departments may not restrict allocation of the Title X funds to residents of their own counties. Therefore, men who qualify may receive funding for services in any county.

It is a federal requirement that the patient be at least 21 years of age and that there be a 30-day interval between a candidate's counseling and vasectomy dates for all vasectomies performed where Title X funds are utilized.

If you find that it is difficult to obtain services through your county health department, or you are denied services despite the fact that you think you may be eligible, you may try to obtain funding and services in the health department of a nearby county. Or call 813-536-1430 for assistance and the latest information on fund availability. A directory of all Florida counties with their phone numbers is HERE. The blue links below will also open pages with more information about those counties. Those pages may be here in VASWEB or may be the pages of the county health departments themselves. Some of the info about counties in the Florida Panhandle may be outdated.
Alachua | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante: Funding for 37 vasectomies for 2023-2024, shared with Baker, Bradford, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Lafayette, Levy, Putnam, and Suwannee Counties. See below for page links. Vasectomies performed at Dr. Stein and Galante's location in Ocala. Click the link to the left. |
Baker | See Alachua County above. Then click the "Baker" link to the left for contact info and locations. |
Bay | The Florida DOH - Bay County has Title 10 funds that cover vasectomy. It is unclear how many vasectomies are funded under Title 10 in this county. The counseling and financial assessment is done at the Health Department in Panama City, and the procedures are performed by doctors in the county. Apparently there are "many" providers - the woman with whom we spoke did not know their names and was under the impression that one does not know who his provider will be until after completing the consultation and financial assessment process. |
Bradford | See Alachua County above. Then click the "Bradford" link to the left. |
Brevard | The Brevard County Health Department has a robust Title 10 vasectomy program. Call Carol Carney at 321-639-5800 Ext. 1216 to arrange a physical exam and eligibility evaluation. Those cleared will have their vasectomies performed by Murray Dweck, MD or by Bruce Pierce, ARNP and Director of Community Health. Both men are employees of the health department trained in no-scalpel vasectomy. On Oct 13, 2016, I learned all of this from Jay Rudy, assistant to Bruce Pierce and available at 321-454-7155 for those who have trouble reaching Carol Carney. |
Broward | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante. Broward budgeted enough for 18 vasectomies in the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Counseling and financial screening are done at a number of health department centers. Procedures are performed at Dr. Stein/Galante's office in Tampa/Lutz. It is a long drive, but only one visit is required, and Broward HD officials could not find a closer doctor willing to provide vasectomy under Title X. Click the link to the left. |
Calhoun | Calhoun County does have a vasectomy program. Call (850) 674-5645. Vasectomies are performed by the doctors of Southeastern Urological Center ( in Tallahassee, with satellite offices in Blountstown, Perry, Marianna, and Chipley. |
Charlotte | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante. Charlotte budgeted for 12 vasectomies in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Counseling and financial screening are done at a number of health department centers. Procedures are performed at the Tampa/Lutz office of Drs. Stein and Galante. Click the link to the left. |
Citrus | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante. Citrus budgeted for 18 vasectomies in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. The vasectomy program is offered on a sliding fee scale. Funds are available for 20 vasectomies during the 2018-2019 fiscal year. Procedures are performed at the Tampa/Lutz amd Ocala locations of Drs. Stein and Galante. |
Clay | Tara in Clay County was very helpful. She explained that the Clay County Health Department in Green Cove Springs receives Title X funding. Their funding sometimes runs out by the end of the fiscal year, but is usually renewed in July. She sounded confident that any man who comes in for a consult and qualifies financially would be referred out for a vasectomy shortly after the 30 day waiting period. The vasectomies are done either in Duval County or by a urologist of the Urology Associates in Orange Park and Middleburg. To make an appointment, one calls a Ms. Walker, and then goes in for consultation. Tara was more than willing to answer questions about the procedure, consultation, and funding and encouraged us to call back with any future questions. |
Collier | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante. Collier budgeted enough for 5 vasectomies in the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Procedures are performed at the Tampa/Lutz office of Drs. Stein and Galante. Click the link to the left. |
Columbia | See Alachua County. Click the link to the left. |
DeSoto | No financial assistance for vasectomy through Title 10. Men who seek vasectomies in DeSoto County are referred out to the Lee and Highlands County Health Departments. |
Dixie | See Alachua County. Click the link to the left. |
Duval | Vasectomy callers are referred to Shands Medical Center 904-244-4233. The recording says the office is open Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.Title 10 funds are available until they run out toward the end of the fiscal year. Vasectomies are scheduled directly through Shands - Emma Taylor, RN (works for Duval County Health Department). The provider is Dr. Mohamad Antar (urologist) 2150 Park Street in Jacksonville. Click the link to the left. |
Escambia | No financial assistance for vasectomy through Title 10. |
Flagler | Excellent Title 10 assistance program that partners with Volusia County, 40 vasectomies in the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Click the link to the left. |
Franklin | Franklin does have a Title X program. Consultations are done in the Franklin County Health Department in Apalachicola. Then men are referred to Southeast Urological in Tallahassee. |
Gadsden | No financial assistance for vasectomy through Title 10. |
Gilchrist | See Alachua County. Click the link to the left. |
Glades | No financial assistance for vasectomy through Title 10. Glades residents may seek assistance in a nearby county. |
Gulf | The Gulf County Health Department in Port St. Joe does have a Title 10 vasectomy program. The woman was very nice and explained that counseling and consultation, as well as a physical examination, are done in Gulf County Health Department. Then men are referred to Southeast Urological in Tallahassee. |
Hamilton | See Alachua County. Click the link to the left. |
Hardee | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante, budgeted for 4 vasectomies in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Procedures are were performed at their main office in Tampa/Lutz. Click the link to the left. |
Hendry | No financial assistance for vasectomy through Title 10. |
Hernando | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante. Hernando budgeted enough for 10 vasectomies in the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Procedures are performed at their locations in Tampa and Ocala. Click the link to the left. |
Highlands | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante. Highlands has budgeted enough for 4 vasectomies in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Procedures are performed at their Tampa/Lutz office. Click the link to the left. |
Hillsborough | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante. Hillsborough budgeted enough for 9 vasectomies in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Procedures are performed at their main office in Tampa/Lutz. Click the link to the left. |
Holmes | At the Holmes County Health Department in Bonifay patients receive consultation with a nurse and are assessed financially. They are then referred to the Chipola Surgical Group (Dr. Arunakul) - located in Marianna (Jackson County). |
Indian River | Contracted with Dr. Stein for many years, but he no longer provides vasectomies closer than his home office in Lutz, so the County did not renew for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Click the link to the left and call to learn whether the County has found another provider. |
Jackson | The Jackson County Health Department does offer Title 10 assistance for vasectomy services. Counseling and financial assessment is done within the county health department. Procedures are performed by Dr. Arunakul in Marianna. |
Jefferson | Was contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante in partnership with Madison County during the 2019-2020 fiscal year. Procedures were performed at their location in Ocala. |
Lafayette | See Alachua County. Click the link to the left. |
Lake | No financial assistance for vasectomy through Title 10. Lake residents may seek assistance in a nearby county. |
Lee | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante. Lee budgeted enough for 30 vasectomies in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Procedures are performed at the Tampa/Lutz office of Drs. Stein and Galante. Click the link to the left. |
Leon | Leon County was very helpful once our caller was able to speak with Donna Moore. The county had run out of funds for this year; however, they will be getting more funds in July. She was unsure of how much Leon will receive. She did mention that the consultation and financial assessment are done within the county health department and then the procedure is done elsewhere by urologists. She also gave good information on how IUDs, the pill, and the shot are all covered under Title X. Tubal ligation is not a covered procedure under Title X due to the cost. Donna was very encouraging and gave our caller her number for any future questions. Donna's number is 850-606-8025. She is not in the office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. |
Levy | See Alachua County. Click the link to the left. |
Liberty | No financial assistance for vasectomy through Title 10. |
Madison | Were contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante in partnership with Jefferson County during the 2019-2020 fiscal year. Procedures were performed at their location in Ocala. |
Manatee | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante.. Manatee budgeted enough for 10 vasectomies in the 2024-2025 fiscal year, with the number for 23-24 pending. Procedures are performed by Drs. Stein and Galante at their main office in Tampa/Lutz. |
Marion | The Marion County Health Department has had a robust Title 10 vasectomy program, contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante, for many years. In fact, Marion budgeted enough for 22 vasectomies in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Vasectomies performed at Dr. Stein and Galante's location in Ocala. Click the link to the left. |
Martin | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante in the past. Martin budgeted enough for 4 vasectomies in the 2018-2019 fiscal year, but none since then. Men from Martin County are welcome to get funding through St. Lucie County. Procedures are performed at Stein & Galante's main office in Lutz. Click the link to the left. |
Miami-Dade | Was contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante for 22 vasectomies in the 2020-2021 fiscal year. But Stein & Galante disconinued service in Aventura. We believe that the county has found an alternate provider. Click the link to the left. |
Monroe | No financial assistance for vasectomy through Title 10. |
Nassau | The woman with whom our caller spoke indicated that financial aid for vasectomy is available but was not sure where men go for their vasectomies. She said they "may be done in Shands Medical Center". |
Okaloosa | Okaloosa County does offer Title X funding based on a sliding fee scale. Vasectomies are provided in the county health department. Dr. Zachos performs the vasectomies. There is funding for four/five procedures each fiscal year. As of July, 2014 - there were already nine people on the waiting list. Nicole can be reached at 850-833-9240 extension 2364. |
Okeechobee | Okeechobee County does have funding apparently for a small number of vasectomies. One employee said there was funding available there for four or five vasectomies per year, depleted for the year of our inquiry call, but available again next July, possibly through a waiting list. Another employee said she didn't know about vasectomy funding and she did not know the details of how to get on the waiting list. |
Orange | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante. 20 vasectomies in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Procedures performed at their location in Lutz. Click the link to the left. |
Osceola | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante. 1 vasectomy in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Procedures performed at their location in Lutz. Click the link to the left. |
Palm Beach | Our caller got the impression that Title 10 funds for vasectomy are available in Palm Beach County and was told that men will find out the names of vasectomy providers when they come in for a consultation. |
Pasco | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante. Pasco budgeted enough for 18 vasectomies in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Procedures are performed by Drs. Stein and Galante at their main office in Lutz. Click the link to the left. |
Pinellas | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante.. Pinellas budgeted enough for 69 vasectomies in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Procedures are performed by Drs. Stein and Galante at their main office in Lutz. Click the link to the left. |
Polk | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante. Polk budgeted enough for 10 vasectomies in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Procedures are performed at their location in Lutz. Click the link to the left. |
Putnam | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante. Putnam budgeted enough for 3 vasectomies in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Procedures are performed at their location in Ocala. Click the link to the left. |
St Johns | Our caller was told that St. John's County does have a vasectomy program, and that men are referred to the "Shands Sterilization Clinic". |
St Lucie | Contracted with Dr. Stein for many years, but he no longer provides vasectomies closer than his home office in Lutz, so the County did not renew for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. Click the link to the left and call to learn whether the County has found another provider. |
Santa Rosa | Our caller was told that Santa Rosa County does receive Title X funds, but for "not many" vasectomies, and that the funds this year have run out. The employee did not know exactly where the procedures are done. However, the counseling and consultation are done in the county health department and the procedures are done "elsewhere" in the county. |
Sarasota | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante. Sarasota budgeted enough for 6 vasectomies in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Procedures are performed at their main office in Tampa/Lutz. Click the link to the left. |
Seminole | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante. Seminole budgeted enough for 4 vasectomies in the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Procedures are performed at their location in Lutz. Click the link to the left. |
Sumter | No financial assistance for vasectomy through Title 10. Sumter residents may seek assistance in a nearby county. |
Suwannee | See Alachua County. Click the link to the left. |
Taylor | No financial assistance for vasectomy through Title 10. Taylor residents may seek assistance in a nearby county. |
Union | See Alachua County. Click the link to the left. |
Volusia | Contracted with Drs. Stein and Galante: 8 for 2024-2025, shared with Flagler. Vasectomies are performed at their location in Lutz. Click the link to the left. |
Wakulla | Our caller was told that Wakulla receives funding for only 1 vasectomy each year, provided by a doctor in Tallahassee. |
Walton | The person with whom our caller spoke believed that financial aid for vasectomy is available, but she was unable to say who performs the procedures and exactly where they are performed. She was also unable to say how many vasectomies are funded each year. Locations HERE. |
Washington | Washington County does offer financial assistance for vasectomy. Men who qualify and have their consultations in the Washington County Health Department are referred to Dr. Arunakul in Marianna in Jackson County. |
Counties served by Drs. Stein & Galante:
The colored counties below are the ones in which or for which Drs. Stein and Galante provide vasectomy services. Service sites are stars. For nearly all Title 10 cases, vasectomy counseling is done in a county health department clinic. For the vasectomy procedure, patients can go to any starred location when Dr. Stein or Galante is there. Their schedule is here.
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