Vasectomy in Kissimmee, Florida:

MedFlorida Medical Centers - Kissimmee

At MedFlorida Medical Center in Kissimmee, no-needle no-scalpel vasectomy services are provided every 2 months on special "Vasectomy Saturdays"  by VasWeb doctors, who use no-needle local anesthesia and a no-scalpel technique. For exact dates, see their Outfield Schedule. More information about vasectomy is in the Vasectomy Page of The fee is $690, often covered by health insurance and Title 10 (see below). A deposit of $150 is required to be scheduled (see below). The counseling process can be done online by (1) reviewing our vasectomy page, (2) viewing the online counseling video, and (3) reading the vasectomy info sheet , which you will be asked to sign before your procedure. So only one visit is required, but you will have our office and cell phone numbers so that you can always reach us if you have questions after your procedure. You will also be given a mailer, so that you can send a semen sample to our Tampa/Lutz office 12 weeks after your vasectomy to be sure that your semen is sperm-free. If you would like to proceed, please pre-register on our On-line Vasectomy Registration page.


MedFlorida Medical Center is located at 2550 Simpson Road (formerly Boggy Creek Road), Kissimmee, FL 33743 in the BVL Shopping Center, just south of Buenaventura Boulevard.


Yellow area of map at left enlarged.

From points north and east, the simplest way to get to the BVL Family Medical Center is to take Route 417 (Central Florida Greenway) to Exit 17 (Boggy Creek Road) or to Exit 14 (Landstar Boulevard, which becomes Buenaventura Boulevard when it crosses the Osceola Parkway). Take Landstar Boulevard (Buenaventura Boulevard) south 4.0 miles to Boggy Creek Road. Go right and BVL will be on your right. From the northwest, take the Florida Turnpike to Exit 249 (Osceola Parkway) and go east on Osceola Parkway to Buenaventura Boulevard, then south to Boggy Creek Road.

To schedule, please fill out our online pre-registration, then call our office at 813-536-1430 M-F 9-4 to finalize your appointment date and time. Again, a deposit of $150 is required to be scheduled.  The deposit is fully refundable until 7 calendar days prior to the appointed vasectomy date, non-refundable thereafter for either cancellation or postponement. The deposit is paid during online pre-registration by providing a VISA/MasterCard number. Patients without credit cards can pick up single-use pre-paid cards at most discount stores. The balance of the fee ($540, or your insurance company's allowable less the $150 deposit) is due on the day of the vasectomy, payable by Visa/MasterCard (not AmEx or Discover), cash or check to VasWeb, P.A.

If your vasectomy is paid for by an insurance company with which VasWeb doctors are contracted providers, your deposit will be returned to you (less your required co-payment) when we are paid by your insurance company. Itemized and properly coded receipts are provided, and these may be submitted to insurance companies with which we are not contracted providers in an attempt to get reimbursement or credit toward your deductible. To learn whether your insurance company will cover a vasectomy at this site, please call your carrier and ask the 5 questions listed here. For questions about Medicaid, please click here.

Financial Aid
If you have no health insurance (Medicaid or private) and your income is low, you may qualify for financial aid under a federal program called Title 10 (click for details) administered by many of Florida's county health departments. The health departments of Orange, Highlands and Polk Counties have active Title 10 vasectomy assistance programs. The Osceola County Health Department may offer vasectomy assistance under Title 10.